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2DArtist November 2008

2DArtist November 2008

2DArtist November 2008

Welcome to Issue 035 – and what an issue! Marta Dahlig, Jeffrey Simpson, Jorge Molina, Eduardo Peña, Emrah Elmasli, Chee Ming Wong, Nykolai Aleksander, Ioan Dumitrescu, and that’s not all! So let’s get to business and find out what’s in store for you all this month…

First up, we have an interview with the lovely Marta Dahlig, whose stunning character illustrations flood the interview pages of 2DArtist this month. Marta is incredibly down to earth and, although we all look to her as a leading artist in today’s digital painting world, she humbly declines the notion that she is a “big name” (but we think otherwise!). Marta talks to us about how she started out in CG just 7 years ago, and gives us an insight into her working life today. You can check out the interview with Marta on page 007. Our second interview is with Jeffrey Simpson, who, at just 22 years old, is working in the video game art industry as well as dabbling with film concept art and comics! Check out the dark concepts from Jeffrey on page 019 and enjoy the witty interview that he’s kindly given 2DArtist this month.
I was not so long ago pointed to Jorge Molina, this month’s Sketchbook artist, and simply couldn’t resist getting him on board this issue with a feature on some of his latest character sheets for his upcoming projects – take a look on page 029. Our bonus article this month comes in the form of an interview with Greg Broadmore, the senior conceptual designer behind Dr. Grordborts. This is a huge article, simply because it’s so great that we couldn’t cut it down any more than what you’ll find on page 037. It’s full of humour, intelligence, and most importantly tonnes of fantastic artwork that will make your eyes weep with joy!

Our tutorials hit a high this month with Chee Ming Wong’s stunning paintings of colonised planets (page 089). This particular tutorial is the end of the first section of his Space Painting tutorials, and we feel he’s really outdone himself on this one – a fantastic example! We can’t wait to see what he brings us next month, so be sure to stay tuned for that. And because one (or two) is never enough where tutorials are concerned in 2DArtist, we this month welcome back Eduardo Peña and Emrah Elmasli to tackle the speed painting: Fear engulfed them as they realised they were about to die. See page 089 for two ever different interpretations to our often ridiculous speed painting briefs! And to round up this month’s tutorials, Nykolai Aleksander brings us Part 2 of her Human Face tutorial series on page 113. Nykolai has been keeping me up-to-date almost daily with Part 3 of this tutorial series, and all I’m going to say is: Do not miss next month! Trust me when I say that you’ll definitely want to see the end result of this stunning tutorial miniseries!
Finally, we thank Ioan Dumitrescu for his Making Of article this month, discussing the creation of his recent 2DArtist Gallery featured image, “Worm Licker”. So check out page 121 for that, and then get yourself painting! Thanks as always for your support, and enjoy! Ed.

Pdf | English | 130 pages | 175,1 MB

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